- Editorial: Intermediating Africa
- Contributers
- Africa at the World Editors' Forum
- Africa = Hot!
An African photographic project on global warming sponsored by World Press Photo
- Spinning straw men: when science writing goes wrong
by Leonie Joubert
- Of big pharmaceuticals, preventable deaths and wonder pills
by Evelyn Groenink
- Learnership programmes for young journalists
- Clickety Clict! Meeting the challenges of writing about technology
by Anne Taylor
- Judges and journalists
by Anton Harber
- The World Journalism Education Conference
- Education is a spring… it bubbles by Guy Berger
- Two issues, two groups by Jeanne du Toit
- The World Summit on Media and Children
- Giving children a voice by Jeanne Prinsloo
- Distinctly African or dimly African: a reflection on black journalism in South Africa since 1994 by Simphiwe Sesanti
- The Sunday Times Heritage Project
- Goodbye to big men on bronze horses by Charlotte Bauer
- Special focus on Angolan media
- Angola in 2007: better media, safer for journalists, but still fragile by Justin Pearce
- Breve olhar sobre al lei de imprensa de Anacleta Pereira
(A brief look into the new press law by Anacleta Pereira)
- Camatondo: the mirror of our lives by Inês Filipa José
- Imprensa comunitaria: voz dos 'sem voz'? de José Paulo
(Community press: voice of the voiceless? by José Paulo)
- Mó Kamba reaches the youth by Gary Mundy, Cândido Mendes and Angelina Jorge
- Each opinion is precious by Clâudia Constance
- The country through my eyes by Olívio Gambo
- SJA reivindica observatório de imprensa de Luísa Rogério
(SJA [Angolan Journalists' Trade Union] calls for a media observatory by Luísa Rogério)
- Pela dignificação da nobre causa: 'informar para formar' de Noa Wete
(Dignity of a noble cause: inform to educate by Noa Wete)
- The Saharawi struggle
by Malainan Lakhal
- Rwanda: a question of credibility and quality
by William Bird and Sandra Roberts
- 'It's our paper': the Bulawayo tabloid uMthunywa
by Hayes Mabweazara
- Pictures to rewrite history by: the Women by Women project
- Being woman by Neo Ntsoma
- Tribute, record, inspiration by Robin Comley
- The SABC and the 'blacklist' controversy
- Debate about debate by Lesley Cowling
- Professionalism and resistance by Nazeem Dramat
- The cosmopolitan, black male ideal by Refiloe Lepere
- Understanding 'accountability' by Rehana Rossouw
- Policing the aberration by Shirona Patel
- Freelancers, clients and copyright
by Tess Fairweather
- Ombudding: how to regret the error
by Franz Krüger and George Claassen
- The eroding status of editors
by Raymond Louw
- Poets, editors, essayists and novelists
by Raymond Louw
- Back page essay: Mzansi's poets through mass media lenses
by Natalia Molebatsi